
The Swahili word for Peace, symbolizes our family office theme and strategy succinctly. We believe in a world where we can all achieve peace within ourselves, each other, and our planet. More importantly, we are dedicated to contributing to society’s chase for these levels of peace through mindful capital allocation and meaningful participation in activities that align with this vision

Group 21

Our story is the story of so many in this world that are marginalized or forgotten about. It is the story of people looking for a better life from where they started. With roots in India, Armenia, Madagascar, the Comoros, France and the next generation being raised in the western world, our perspective takes into account the many views of our collective society, even if at times conflicting. We understand what it means to go against the odds, take the necessary risks, and sacrifice what you have in search of what we imagine to be a better life for yourself and your loved ones.

Our world is going through a transformational time. With issues such as climate change, health crises, food insecurity, and non-equitable access to basic rights and resources, we are focused on allocating capital to businesses that have a measurable impact in these spaces, while also providing strong returns. We live in a time where there shouldn’t be a tradeoff between good impact and good returns.

Group 21

Our core areas of focus are deep tech, ag tech, food tech, renewable energy, consumer tech, and aviation/aerospace, where we made our name building up Jetcraft and are further helping the next generation of businesses through our networks and knowledge. We strongly believe these sectors to be of the greatest impact on our planet and societies moving into the future.

Having built our expanded networks and exposure to important industries on a global scale, we are able to tap into new and exciting opportunities in every geography. Our team is built up of a diverse, brilliant, and extremely capable team that have the global perspective and care that we all share. Collectively, we have expertise and strong networks in Wealth Management, Venture Capital, Real Estate, Alternative Luxury Asset as well as in Wealth Planning, Tax Structuring and Coordination, Multi-generational Planning and Family Governance. The team provides the needed end to end solution so that each of us can focus on what we each do best, amplifying the results for the whole.

Group 21

As we grow our own family office to be involved in projects that push our society into a brighter, greener, more equitable future, we invite others with similar experiences and those who believe in our perspective to join us. Together, we can invest in a better future for not only ourselves and our loved ones, but our planet and society.

Group 21

Contact Us

Amani PTC Ltd.
c/o Kendris Ltd.
Baarerstrasse 112
6300 Zug

Amani Foundation.
Unit 11, Level 1, Currency House.
Tower 2, DIFC, Dubai